
April 19, 2007

More redwork!

Originally uploaded by Redwork in Germany.

I thought I'd share with you a little more about redwork, and show some more fantastic examples from our group...

This photo is from our resident redwork expert, the extremely talented Etja.

Originally uploaded by Lemon Tree Tales.

Are you wondering why redwork is only done in red? Well, back in the day, not all threads were colorfast - meaning they'd run all over the place when you washed them. :(

The first color-fast embroidery threads happened to be red, hence the beginning of the "redwork" tradition...

Originally uploaded by dotti black.

Check out these adorable pillows - one by Lemon Tree Tales and a pillow dotti black received in a swap - it's amazing the beauty and variety you can achieve working in just one color!

Any line drawing would do well as a redwork pattern, but if you're looking for some cute free patterns, try these freebies.


  1. I always wondered "why red?". Thanks for the answer! :)

  2. Ha Amy, I think I've uncovered just about every free pattern out there! I'll share them all with everybody as we go along! :)

    Yeah, dannielle, I wondered too! Another popular variation of redwork, by the way, is bluework...
