
April 1, 2008

Sublime Stitching Giveaway - Winners!

Hi all! Thanks for making Feeling Stitchy's first-ever giveaway such a resounding success (52 entries- woo-hoo!) And now, I'd like to announce our drawing winners (cue exciting, fast-paced Price is Right music):

The Stitch-It Kit goes to Jenn of Bits and Pieces!

The Sublime Stitching Book (with oodles of awesome patterns) goes to atet of Quilting in the Cornfields!

Folks, you can't even find the Craft Pad in stores yet. But Chris Salley of The Boiled Peanut has got one now!

All winners, please email me at unafloresita at gmail dot com with your shipping info and I'll send it out, pronto! Thanks everyone for being in the giveaway and remember you can find all these goodies (including the Craft Pad) on the Sublime Stitching site.


  1. Congratulations to all of your. Happy stitching!

  2. I can't believe I missed this. Darn.

  3. congratulations to all the winners. jenny's patterns are so addicting, you'll be stitching till your finger hurt :)

  4. Thanks to your crafty blog school. I have started my blog. Got to learn a lot from your posts. Here is the link to my blog

  5. I feel like I just won the lottery!!!!!!
    Thank you so much!!!

  6. How great was this...that I missed because I have had my head down at my sewing machine for 3 months straight?
    Pretty great!
    Sorry I missed out on all of the festivities. Please Flor, gimme a little nudge from time to time.
