
June 10, 2009

Avert your eyes if you hate Twilight

a work in progress
stitched by savvystitcher

I was wondering if there were any embroiderers out there feeling the pangs of Twilight angst-mania, when I found it - in the pool - Twilight love in progress! Thanks, peeps, for making me a little less ashamed of my love of Twilight. :)

I'm sucked in and kind of ashamed of myself. Every fine-literature loving cell in my body cringes. (Also, all the feminist ones and the ones that find vampire baseball highly implausible.) However, after reading ALL 4 books during my summer vacation I was hooked. I even initially scoffed at the movie. Sigh, no longer.

So if you, like me, hate yourself for loving Twilight, here are some awesome links (courtesy of my best friend) to get you through this. Warning! Some have strong language not meant for the teeny-boppers. Enjoy... :)

Any more of you Twilight lovers want to come out of the closet? We won't judge you! ;)


  1. Haha - I feel much the same about Twilight. Intellectually, all of its flaws are abundantly clear, and yet I love it anyway. So I turn off my adult, feminist mind and bask in Edward's angsty glory.

    Our brains need a vacation every once and awhile!

  2. I have been avoiding Twilight for a very long time! but, my sister just broke down and bought the first book, she says it's amazing already. I'm probably going to read it after her

  3. Thanks for featuring my work in progress! Yes, I do hate that I fell into the trap (I usually run away as fast and far as I can from the "trends", especially the teeny-bopper ones) but I can't help myself. Edward overcame me. alas.

  4. No way, Twilight and stitching together! Don't be ashamed of your love of Twilight! I am a not-so-closeted lover of Twilight. I try to keep it hidden, but it's sort of obvious. Okay fine, it's really obvious. I have a cardboard cut-out of Edward in my craft room, okay? There, I admitted it. I feel better. Haha!

  5. It has been one of my secret shames. Glad I am not alone anymore.

    If I really read the book the use of the same words over and over again bug me. Like the word Chagrin she uses it several time in all the books. It just rubs me the wrong way. But I just read it for the story line so it is all good.
