
February 16, 2010

Don't forget to vote!

Don't forget to vote for Feeling Stitchy as your favorite blog with a handmaking focus in the 2010 Handmade Olympics!

Flor asked her fellow Feeling Stitchy bloggers to answer two short questions in return for our status as a finalist:
  1. Why do you blog? I blog as a way to share the things I create with people who I feel can both appreciate my work & the steps I am taking as I develop my skills, as well as who can inspire me by sharing their work in return. Because the online crafting community is so rich with talent and innovation, I want to contribute to the shared pool of content as much as I withdraw from it (and I make a LOT of withdrawals!). That way, I hope I can encourage others to branch out and try new things in the same way that I have been encouraged and supported by my fellow bloggers.
  2. How has blogging influenced your creating? For me, it's quite simple: I wouldn't be blogging if I wasn't creating, and I wouldn't be creating if I wasn't blogging. Connecting with like-minded crafters around the world has been the fuel in my tank when it comes to inspiration for new and varied projects.
So what are you waiting for? Time is running short ... jump on over and vote today!

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