
February 22, 2010

Re-introducing: Floresita

There is one more FeelingStitchy blogger to re-introduce. Although I suspect she requires no introduction at all. She is of course Floresita. She is the founder of Feeling Stitchy and the reason we are all here. Apart from spreading the stitchy love here and in her own Flickr stream, she also writes a wonderful blog, things I've made, which is an inspiring collection of her art (that's right, she's not just a talented stitcher!), crafty stuff and great photos.

Thank you for having us all here, Floresita!

Your favorite DMC floss color?
3371 - I always use it in place of black for any hair - love how it looks with 321 and dark, bright pinks and apricots.

Your favorite embroidery project?
The embroideries I did last Christmas. Simple, textured, sweet. I love to look at them.

Your inspirations?
Let's see - mostly, it's all of you guys! Everything I see in the Flickr pools, Craftster, on blogs - I love to see what everyone is making, thinking about, loving, etc.

Your blog url?
I also have a blog with scans of old vintage transfers here:

One word answer:
Freehand or pattern? Pattern
Messy or neat? Stitching = neat; Life = messy :)
Cute or edgy? Preferably, both! :)


  1. Nice to "meet" Floresita again! I love those sweet snowflakes and the menorah!

  2. yay for Floresita! She is just fantastic :)

  3. Flor is one of the reason I started blogging :)

    if it wasn't for the embroidery community she fosters here & on flickr, I don't know if I would have had the courage to start.

    so thank you Flor - we're so lucky to have you!

  4. truly an inspiration! thanks for all you do, flor!
