
April 21, 2010

Stitcher's Revolution

Remember a few months ago when I mentioned Aunt Martha was coming with a new line of patterns? Well they are finally here! Two of my favorites are the 80's theme and the Sayings. Who can resist stitching up a Rubik cube and a boombox?


  1. I love these new patterns! It's great that the transfers are in color too.

  2. Rainbows and hearts! Hightops! Ahh, can it get any better than that :)


  3. Where can I pick them up? Are they in stores or just online?

  4. WOW - it's hard to believe this is aunt martha!

    I'm not sure about availablity in stores but you can get them online here

  5. OMG! I love these! Must have!

  6. The 80s images! I love 'em! especially the diskette and the wee little pacman (and boy did I have a lot of those rainbows in my room's decor, sorry to say).

  7. Oh you youngsters and your 80's! ;)

    Those are cute!

  8. While I love the sayings, the 80's patterns scare me.

  9. so hip for aunt marthas! who would've guessed!

  10. Thanks for sharing! As soon as I saw this post I had to click my way on over to the colonial patterns site to get me some! :) I snatched up the 80's one, a sailor themed one, and the "roll the dice" theme .... I got them a few days later and they are just as cute in person as on the computer screen. The transfer is in black and white, but it comes with a really cool color guide with DMC #'s, and for the price of $2.95 each ... can't be beat!!! :)

  11. I am so glad everyone LOVES the new pattern line! You can get them on our website at or at your local Hobby Lobby store. If you don't see them in your local quilt or craft store just ask! And if there is something you have been dying to stitch, let me know--I am working on new patterns as we speak!
