
May 26, 2010

Rainbow of Stitches contest - less than a week left!

Right! There are 5-6 days (depending on your timezone!) left of the Rainbow of Stitches Contest! Are you busy stitching away? If you haven't started yet, I thought I'd just point out some stats on what has been submitted so far. As you probably know, entries have to have a dominant colour, as you can see in the image above.
RED - 153 
GREEN - 117
BLUE - 124
PINK - 81
BLACK - 90
WHITE - 70
If you haven't submitted anything yet, here's a tip: do your stitching in one of the colours that aren't so popular, like yellow, violet/purple or orange!

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Don't forget, May 31st is the last day to submit!

Edit: The contest ends when every timezone has passed from May 31st to June 1st. Anything else would be unfair, right? ;-) To find out when that is, please follow this link to and put Honolulu in the top spot and your own timezone in the bottom one.


  1. What about the rainbow category? *pounding fist* I NEED the rainbow category to happen!!

  2. "Pounding fist" ? This is getting serious! :)

    SewSweetStitches - why not add your rainbow stitching, and see what happens? ;)

  3. I'm still stitching! It's taking me a while... please can you tell me at exactly what time on 31st May will the competition close? I'm in the UK, you see.

    And am I ok to put a link to a blog post that I'm going to do about it when I've finished it? It would just be to my blog, not shop.


  4. lol I did! I've just been stalking the flickr pool discussion board for news on whether or not it'll come true. I have a last-minute idea planned, and if I can pull it off, well, all I can say is there HAS to be a rainbow category!!

  5. Winners yet? inquireing minds are dying to know! ;)
