
July 9, 2010

Obey the Hypno Toad

 Finished Hypnotoad

Surely Pam Aghababian must have been under the influence of Hypno Toad when she decided to use only fill stitches on this embroidery. But the result is absolutely amazing. It's a striking image made with only a few colours and not that much (fill)stitch variety either. Don't look Hypno Toad into his eyes for too long though or you will be fill stitching your next project too! (not that there's something wrong with that...)


  1. This is the coolest thing I've seen all week! Love the Hypno Toad :D

  2. Kiss him! He's a prince! This is fabulous.

  3. What size is this? I'm hoping it was teeny! That's some dedicated fill stitching that I don't think I'd ever commit to (I'm too lazy). ;) It's beautiful work.

  4. @Gina the photo description says it's 8 by 10 so that's not really tiny. And it is quite a lot to fill stitch!

  5. Yes, this is 8x10 - HUGE compared to everything else I've embroidered so far! It was a learning experience for sure.

    Thanks for highlighting him, Nicole!
