
September 17, 2010

Hidden Elephant

Can you find the hidden elephant in this picture? Poppy and Lime combined vintage fabrics with funky prints, hand stitching and impressive amounts of fill stitching to form this colourful creature. The fill stitching is done by using the Stem Stitch and lots of French Knots.  If you haven't mastered Le French Knot yet, head over to this tutorial by Jenny Hart, there is even one for left handed embroiderers!

Remember last weeks post about the Lazy Daisy Stitch? It inspired me to make this Lazy Daisy Peacock Feather Stitch.  Which is actually a confusing name because it isn't a Feather Stitch at all, just a stitch variation to create a Peacock Feather!


  1. I can't believe how amazing all those french knots look! Impressive!

  2. Oh how I love a French Knot! I will be doing that all day today. Though Poppy and Lime seems to be very very good at it......

  3. I just found your blog, I'm a stitcher and I'm excited about all the inspiration you're going to provide me!
    I can't see the elephant though...

  4. The french knot tutorial does look 'fool proof'. Love the Lazy Daisy Peacock Feather Stitch!
