
January 31, 2011

Winner Time!

Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People We have a winner! And whoa, you guys have been scarred by many, many, many weird crafts. Creepiest on our list, as one of our commenters so succinctly summarized, is "anything involving tampons, taxidermy and toilet paper rolls..."

Also on the weird shortlist were crocheted genitalia, embroidered human hair, and things made with pet hair (dead or otherwise.) Sheesh! For the full list of weirdest craft sightings ever, check the comments on our post. For pictures, try Regretsy.

And our random winner is.....
Starling said...

Oooh! I love Amy Sedaris!

The weirdest craft/art project I have ever seen is a stuffed animal tree. It's a tree stump in my neighborhood to which a woman has stapled (yes, stapled) hundreds of stuffed animals. I thought it was really creepy at first, but then our local paper explained the story behind it ( Still a little weird, but more weird-kooky-fun than weird-creepy-psychotic when you know the story.

Okay Starling, you know the drill, email me at unfloresita AT gmail DOT com and we'll get your free copy of Simple Times mailed out to you! Thanks everybody - stay weird! :)


  1. That article is hilarious.

    "I feel like I done some kind of project."

    I think I will say that every time I finish something crafty.

  2. It's become my go-to statement, too :)

  3. Congratulations to Starling! Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway!

  4. have you run into the Beanie-Babies-dipped-in-wax room air fresheners? Holding artificial flowers?

  5. Whoa. I think we need to see a picture of this Beanie-Baby craft.
