
April 22, 2012

Meet the Bloggers: Jo

Next on our list of bloggers to re-introduce to you is Jo - and to get an idea of how special she is - you need to visit her blog. She is a constant embroiderer - she is always making something, as the following image makes abundantly clear:

March 365

That image represents ONLY the month of March for Jo! I'm super-inspired by her enthusiasm for crafting and her passion for discovering new patterns. I love that Jo works in every style and that she's fearless in taking on new projects and trying new techniques. I can't imagine a better person to feature new patterns, and we're really fortunate to have her blogging with us.

A little bit more about Jo:

On her personal blog, Lacer’s Life, Jo blogs about craft, food (growing it as well as eating it), books, and her family. She contributed the "Microbe Hankies" project in Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery and she has a fledgling shop called Mrs. Lacer’s Attic where she sells hand embroidered pieces.

Look for Jo on Sundays, when she blogs about new patterns! Welcome back, Jo! :)