
July 17, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Today's tutorial is a way to toast the summer evenings, have a tasty beverage, and keep track of the time. An embroidered clock made using an embroidery hoop surely means it's time for happy hour!

To make this clock, you'll need:

-7-inch embroidery hoop
-fabric of choice with your embroidery
-quilt batting
-a clock kit (found this one for $10 at the craft store)
-hot glue gun and glue sticks
-box cutter

I used some patterns from Jenny Hart's Embroidered Effects book. Copies of her book (along with other fantastic stitching patterns and accessories) can be found in her shop at Sublime Stitching.

Once you have all these items ready, it's time to get started!

Step 1: Begin by setting up your embroidery patterns within the hoop. Mark the four areas of the clock at 12, 3, 6, and 9, and stitch. I used my own hand writing for the "happy hour," which is why it's a little crooked, but that's okay.

Sorry this photo came out a little awkward. It started to rain and I couldn't seem to get the lighting right. I am hoping you can see where I marked the four areas of the clock to indicate the 12, 3, 6, 9.

Once you have your stitching ready, it's time to add the layers of batting, felt, and cardboard.

Step 2: Take apart your finished embroidered item and use the inside section of your embroidery hoop to trace the inside of the circle onto a piece of card board (Sorry, forgot to take a picture of the cardboard at this stage). Use that as a template to cut the same size circle out of two pieces each of the felt and batting.

Step 3: Put your stitched piece of fabric back into the hoop and find the center. Use your box cutter to cut a small X shape right in the middle.

Do the same thing for one piece of felt, two pieces of batting, and one piece of cardboard.

Step 4: Layer one piece of felt, the two pieces of batting, and the cardboard into the back of the hoop, right behind your stitches.  Use the pencil to push through each layer and make sure the holes are centered. Pull the fabric over the cardboard and hot glue into place.

You may want to trim your fabric a little more. I was apprehensive to cut too much off.

Step 5: Take the second piece of felt and hot glue it to the back to cover the cardboard and folds of fabric, making sure to cut a small hole in the center to match the holes with the rest of the layers.

Step 6: Take the clock kit out of its packaging. Remove the nut from the clock contraption and push it through the layers of fabric and cardboard.

My kit did not come with instructions, if the same thing happens to you, layer the components with the nut first, to tighten the clock on the base you have created.

Next, place the hour hand and the minute hand on the base. Screw the small gear-like nut on top of that.

Then place the second hand on last. It should look something like this now.

Step 7: Add a battery and set the time.

Step 8: Use the hook on the clock component to hang on the wall and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. I used a Happy Hour theme, but you could use any image or theme you like. I thought it might be good to use one of the July stitch along images for this, too. Hope you give it a try.


  1. This is so perfectly timed (no pun intended, but I do love a pun!).  I've wanted a new embroidery project that was fun and functional.  I'm going to make a clock for my office cubicle!

  2. What a cute idea! I'll have to think about what theme I would use, and try this one myself!
