
December 10, 2012

Sampler Winner!

Hi all! Well, I have to say "thank you" for being sweet enough to share your favorite holiday memories with us. It was just what I needed to put my holiday back into focus, and I found myself tearing up while reading every comment. You are all too wonderful!

Needless to say, it was so hard to pick one, as no one memory could possibly be "better" than another, but there was one memory that jumped out to me in particular, because every Christmas I have always loved to sit in a quiet room by a Christmas tree, remembering Christmases past and being content with Christmas present.

So, our winner is:

Jaan L of Tx  a day ago

One thing that I have always done since I was little, was to sit in a dark room watching the Christmas tree lites twinkle. Something so peaceful about it, even to this day its one of my favorite things to do daily. My best friend also loved the lights, but she was crazy about driving around to see all the houses decorated. We would drive thru different subdivions weekly picking out our favorite houses. Unfortunately she is no longer with us, but I still drive around with my son enjoying the houses all lite up, in memory of my dearest friend. Thanks for making me smile.

Jaan L, you win the 3 month subscription to Rebecca Ringquist's new Sampler series! Please email me at to receive your prize.

Rebecca has also offered a 10% discount in her Etsy shop to all our Feeling Stitchy readers - just enter the code Holiday2012 when you order! Thanks, Rebecca!

Thanks all, hope your holiday is lovely so far, and stay tuned this month for more holiday goodies! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Jaan L. That was a very sweet read.
