
April 22, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

It appears that Spring has reached many of us, and I don't know about you, but the Spring cleaning bug definitely bit me! In organizing all my sewing and embroidery supplies, I quickly realized that I needed some labels. I am happy to share this tutorial with you for jar labels that can perk up your supply containers and help keep everything organized.

Supplies needed for these labels:

- felt in 9x12-inch sheet
- embroidery floss, hoop, and needle
- wax paper in a 9x12-inch piece (artist tracing paper or tissue paper works, as well)
- 28- inches of ribbon (maybe more if your containers or jars are large)
- Craft glue or a glue gun (I used Aleene's All Purpose Adhesive)
- Pinking shears or decorative scissors that can cut through felt
- Tweezers 

The text pattern I used is available for you here. If you would like more words for your labels, I created these in a word document at font size 50.

Step One: Print the text pattern and transfer it to the wax paper with a fine tip marker.

Step Two: Place your felt in an embroidery hoop and attach the wax paper to it using a long running stitch. 

Step Four: Using 3-ply floss and a backstitch, embroider through the wax paper. Your stitches will create the perforation that will make it easy to pull the wax paper away once complete. 

Step Five: Once the words are stitched, cut away the running stitch used to attach the wax paper and begin gently pulling it away from the embroidery. Tweezers help to pull away the smaller pieces in the middle of the letters. 

Step Six: Once the words are complete, use pinking shears to trim around them to create a rectangle. Make sure to keep the  rectangle large enough to cover the width of the ribbon. Cut blank felt in the same size as the felt with text, to use as a backing.

Step Seven: Measure the ribbon around the jar and over lap it by an inch. Trim the excess away. Then cut this ribbon piece in half. 

Step Eight: Place the end of each ribbon piece on each of the short edges of the blank piece of felt. Around 1/2 an inch overlap is good. Then place the embroidered piece of felt on top. Pin through the layers of felt and ribbon to hold together. 

Step Nine: Take a needle threaded with floss, and pull in between the pieces of felt to hide the knot, use a running stitch to attach all the pieces together. 

Step Ten: Wrap the label around the jar, holding it taut. The ribbon will overlap in the back. Add a dab of glue to hold it in place. 

Step Eleven: Repeat the above steps to complete all the labels and you are on your way to Springtime organization!

Hope you enjoy and are able to give this tutorial a try!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Love this! What a cute idea, I definitely needs these in my sewing room for my oodles of jars. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Thanks for the tip about using wax paper! Much cheaper than the wash away I've been using recently!

  3. great tutorial! i've always wondered how to sew words on so neatly like that! charl xo
