
July 2, 2013

Midsummer Stitchalong with Studio MME

I know, it's been forever since our last stitchalong! They were great fun, but I've been waiting on something really special for our stitchalong this year. In keeping with a summer stitching theme, allow me to proudly present our first stitchalong this year!

Click image to view on Flickr

Megan Eckman of Studio M.M.E. graciously provided this gorgeous pattern for our stitchalong. I love Megan's illustrative style - her richly textured line drawings remind me of all the wonderful cover art on my favorite books as a child - her images are so imaginative, dark, and dreamy. In her shop, Megan sells prints, jewelry, embroidery patterns, and an embroidery of the month club - where she shares 12 months of embroidery patterns. I'm also excited about her illustrated book, How To Outsmart Tea Pirates, which I may have to add to my summer reading collection...

I love Megan's signature monochromatic style, but if you'd like to stitch Reginald in color, she has also provided a color version of the pattern:

Click image to view on Flickr

Megan says this of her pirate hummingbird:
"Injured in the nest by his younger siblings, Reginald was destined for a life of flower piracy."

Isn't he amazing? Ok, so if you've never participated in a stitchalong, or even know what one is - it's simple! Use the pattern to embroider something, anything! Choose the colors and background you like, and post your stitching photos in our Flickr embroidery group.

I love to see and share in-progress photos as well, so please post your progress, even if you're not finished yet - we'd still love to see it! We'll run the stitchalong through the end of August - every other week or so I'll update you with my progress and share some of your stitching here. And there just might be a prize at the end of this stitchalong to motivate you to get your summer stitch on... Sound good?

Well then, let's get stitching! Thanks again, Megan, for sharing your talent with us!


  1. I've tried to copy this for stitching but it just goes to Flickr and I can't see how to get a copy from there. Any advice?

  2. Your blog has always been an inspiration to me - and it's great to an update with a post such as this

  3. Go to 'see information' then 'view all sizes' then click on 'original' and you can save the image from there using right click save image :) I'm looking forward to stitching this!

  4. I just started cross stitching, and I would love to join. Beginner question: do I embroider the words too? And another question: is there a stitch guide included in the download?

  5. Can't wait to get started on this!

  6. He's adorable. Can't wait!

  7. Hi Jenna - good question - no it's not necessary to embroider the words - but you can if you like. Stitch any part of it that you like!

  8. I am brand new to the embroidery world, so I am very excited to get started. But I can't access the Flicker group? Do I need to be approved first? My username is MimisEgo

  9. Awesome! Thank you :) And, is there a stitch guide with it, or do I just get creative with that too?

  10. I'm new to embroidery, too. This looks fun and it will be my first stitchalong.

  11. I am new to embroidery so thank you for sharing this with us, it looks like a great project to do!! xo
