July 30, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone! We are in the full throes of summer here in Southern Arizona, and sometimes the only reprieve comes in the form of cocktails on the patio while enjoying friendly company. It seems everyone is hosting a get-together this summer, and since my Mom always told me to never go to a party empty-handed, I decided an embroidered wine tote would be a great hostess gift for the occasion.

I have been wanting to use this burlesque fan dancer embroidery pattern from Jenny Hart's, Embroidered Effects book for some time, and why not add her to a wine tote as a flirty hostess or host gift? Sounds good to me. I also thought a monogrammed tote would be great for this project, as well, but I'll do that for the next party.

To make a wine tote you will need the following supplies:

- two pieces of fabric for the exterior cut to 8x14-inches
- two pieces of fabric for the interior cut to 8x14-inches
- two pieces of batting cut to 8x14-inches
- one piece of fabric cut to 4x21 inches for the strap
- embroidery pattern 
- embroidery supplies (floss, scissors, needles)
- sewing machine and coordinating thread
- scissors
- iron and ironing board

Step One: Transfer your embroidery pattern to one exterior piece of fabric and stitch.

Step Two: Assemble the exterior portion of the bag by laying the exterior pieces of fabric right sides together and the batting on the outside of either piece. Stitch around three sides using a 1/4 seam allowance, leaving the top open.

Step Three: Create a square flat bottom for the bag by taking the bottom corner seams and and pressing them flat against one another. Sew 2-inches down from the point. Clip the excess fabric and repeat on opposite corner. 

Step Four: Assemble the lining of the bag by placing the two lining pieces right sides together. Mark a 2-inch space to leave unsewn, this will be used to flip the bag inside out later. Sew around the three sides using a 1/4-inch seam allowance, leaving the top open. Make sure to leave your marked space open, as well.

Step Five: Square off the corners of the lining as you did in Step Three for the tote exterior.

Step Six: To assemble the strap, take the 4x21-inch piece of fabric, fold it in half, and press. 

Unfold, and press the outer edges in toward the center crease you just created. 

Fold in half again and press. 

Top stitch on either side of the strap.

Step Seven: Take the strap, align each edge on the center of each side seam of the tote, and pin in place.

Step Eight: Take the lining of the tote and place it inside of the exterior piece, with right sides together.  Pin it in place, making sure to keep the straps aligned along the side seams. Stitch along the top using a 1/2-inch seam allowance. 

Step Nine: Flip the tote through the opening in the lining and stitch shut. I like to run this through the sewing machine, but it can be hand sewn with a slip stitch if you like. 

Step Ten: Top stitch around the top edge. 

Step Eleven: Insert bottle and you are ready for the party!

Hope you enjoy and have a great Tuesday!

Hi, I'm Kristen! I am a lover of all things stitchy and crafty. I have been sewing for as long as I can remember. My grandmother taught me how to sew Barbie clothes when I was young and I have been sewing ever since.

You can find me at Bobbypin Bandit, on Instagram, and my Etsy shop.

July 29, 2013

Stitched Gifts Review and Giveaway!

Today I have the honor of sharing with you the lovely new book by Jessica Marquez, Stitched Gifts: 25 Sweet and Simple Embroidery Projects for Every Occasion. Jessica was kind enough to send us a copy of the book to review, along with another wonderful goodie that I'll reveal to you later in this post!

I'd like to take you on a tour of this wonderful book, so you can get better acquainted with it - so here's a few snapshots and a brief walkthrough for you...

From start to finish, this is a beautiful book, and has all of Jessica's signature style and inspiring photography. Jessica's eye for detail and flawless stitching are fully evident throughout this book. It's a great book for any level of stitcher - there so many unique projects that are simple and also beautiful, and I would definitely recommend it.


The book starts with a wonderful Tools & Materials section, that lays out in visual detail, all the elements of your craft as embroiderer:


You'll also find a stitch dictionary, beautifully illustrated with lovely photos:


There are a total of 25 projects in this book, and something for every level of embroiderer. Projects are divided into the following sections: Home & Hearth, Engagement, Wedding, and Anniversary, Babies & Little Ones, Holidays, Birthdays, and Special Occasions, and Keepsakes & Forget-Me-Nots. The last section of the book is dedicated to finishing techniques.

Patterns can all be found at the back of the book, most are at full-size, except for the Zodiac, Family Tree, Wedding Table Markers, and various alphabets, which need enlarging. The patterns are not iron-ons and need to be transferred or traced.


Here are a few projects I adored...

The Simple Stitch Sampler

You Are Here

Crossed Arrows & Banner

Nursery Alphabet


Message in a Bottle

But the book was not all that I was lucky enough to receive! Jessica also sent this beautiful Orion Kit, from her Miniature Rhino shop, which she would also like to offer one lucky Feeling Stitchy reader in this giveaway!


Isn't it beautiful?

To win, all you need to do is leave a comment - tell us which of the projects I pictured is your favorite, and who you might give it to. I'll leave comments open through Sunday, August 4, 2013, at 9 PM, when I will close them and choose one random winner to receive a book and kit. This giveaway is also open to our International readers!

Thank you again, Jessica, for sharing this wonderful book with us!

Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.

Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!

July 28, 2013

Patterns: Oink


Wild Olive has just released a very cuddly new pattern, check out Mollie's blog post on how she did the watercolour tinting.

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.

Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!

July 25, 2013

MĂ£os de fada - fairy hands

OlĂ¡! In the past weeks I've been working on some Portuguese traditional patterns, trying to gather some motifs that I want to make available. FiancĂ© kerchiefs were the first ones to claim my attention. I've done some research, trying to understand which are the most authentic motifs, the ones that respect the certification process that now rules this type of embroidery.

I share with you some of my finds...
There are not very precise rules for the motifs nor for the colors... However, love is the most important source of inspiration and primary colors are the most common. Tracing appears to be very asymmetric on the popular kerchiefs and the triangular interpretations predominate. There is a list of stitches that are accepted but I would say that stem stitch is really the one that characterizes this regional embroidery, followed by satin stitch.

Soon I'll tell you more about the most typical symbols found on this type of embroidery... Today I bring you some very simple but beautiful pieces of embroidery using patterns inspired by fiancé kerchiefs.

They were brought to me by a dear neighbour that lives down the street. They were embroidered by someone that has mĂ£os de fada (fairy hands) an expression we use describing someone with a special ability and talent for handwork... Her name is Maria Alice. And they were not gifts of passion but gifts of friendship.

Fiancé kerchief patterns
Hearts - one of the most popular symbols used in fiancé kerchiefs
Small fiancé kerchief
A very small fiancé kerchief - together forever, year of 2007
Fiancé kerchief pattern
To keep a jar of jam...

Next week I have more...


July 21, 2013

Patterns: 10th Doctor

Doctor the Tenth
Stitched by clumsy kristel, pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein 

There's a fantastic stitchalong going on at Fandom in Stitches at the moment, commemorating 50 years of Doctor Who. I particularly love the 10th Doctor pattern, maybe because I've got an extra soft spot for that particular Doctor! There's still time to join in, I can't wait to see the pattern for the 11th Doctor!

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.

Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!

July 18, 2013

Rooster of Barcelos - back to cross stitch

OlĂ¡! For the first time (Oh!!! Maybe second time...) I bring you cross stitch... One of these days I will talk a bit more about the importance of cross stitch in Portuguese traditional embroidery. This time I will only share  my happiness on returning to this technique.

Cross stitch (Ponto cruz in Portuguese) was my first "embroidery" passion. And for a long time the only one... But since I began my project, agulha nĂ£o pica, I've changed my heart and mind to free embroidery... And I was happy!!! Until I found the most challenging book... I'm not revealing the name of the book today... Some suspense will be good!!!

I can say it is not a book with cross stitch patterns... But the moment I saw it my mind could not resist turning these beautiful images into cross stitch charts...

Roosters' patterns
Inspiring roosters

And the first one I chose was a Rooster of Barcelos... I've already talked about how special this rooster is for Portuguese people. For many this is a unofficial symbol of Portugal. And it is very interesting, again, to see how pottery can inspire embroidery.

Barcelos Rooster
Unfinished work
I took this last photo so I could ask for your help... I learned to cross stitch on my own... Reading some magazines... I believe I was 12 years old. I've always finished my work on the front side... I like to turn it and see the back side only with vertical stitches. How much I love it that way!!! But recently all the books I've read teach you to finish the work on the backside using horizontal stitches under the vertical stitches... But I don't like it... This time I began that way and then returned to "my old" way...

What is your favorite technique to finish your work? I would love to hear it from you...

Barcelos Roosters
My new Portguese scissors
I could also not resist to tell you about one of my latest finds... I'm always searching for Portuguese embroidery supplies... And I was so happy to know that there still are scissors made in Portugal! And they come from the North of Portugal... like the Rooster of Barcelos!!

My finished work
This was my first work from this book, but I have some more and I'll show them soon! I'm thinking of using it to make an album to file all my posts on Feeling Stitchy... What do you think? Do you have a better idea???

July 17, 2013


Embroidery over Citra-solv transfer, 8x10

Love, Cecil's unravel pieces are breathtaking. The piece is so clever. Make sure you check out her other work, it will not disappoint you.

July 16, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone! 

I have a quick and easy tutorial for you today. This idea came to me when I realized I keep losing sight of my embroidery scissors while I am stitching. Does that ever happen to you? Well, a little handy dandy tassel and some stitched felt has helped me keep better track of them, and I hope it will help you, too!

To make your own embroidery scissor stitched felt & tassel, you will need:

- One skein of embroidery floss
- Two small pieces of felt (3x2inches long, we'll be trimming it down)
- Pinking shears
- Scissors 
- 30-inch long piece of embroidery floss to accent the tassel
- 3.5-inch wide piece of cardboard
- Embroidery supplies (floss, scissors, needles, etc.)
- I free handed some flowers, but feel free to use my little sketch as a pattern

Step One: Using pinking shears, trim the pieces of felt down to 2.5-inches long by 1-inch wide. Stitch some little flowers on one piece by holding the felt taut in one hand. If you don't want to stitch flowers, I think an initial would be cute, too or your favorite stitch, maybe a few wheatear stitches. It's totally up to you!

Step Two: Once you have your stitched piece of felt finished, place it on top of the blank piece of felt. Using an accent color of floss, attached the two pieces together with a running stitch. Make sure to hide the knotted ends of the accent floss in between the two pieces of felt. 

Step Three: Cut a 4.5-inch piece of floss and pull it through the top of the back side of felt to create a loop. Knot the ends together. This will be how it hangs from the scissors. 

Step Four: To make the tassel, take one skein of embroidery floss and wrap it around a 3.5-inch piece of cardboard or thick card stock (I used a small notebook). Make sure the cardboard or card stock does not bend or curl as you wrap the floss around it. When finished, gently pull the skein off the cardboard.

Step Five: Beginning at 0.5-inches below the top of one loop, wrap the 30-inch piece of floss around the skein multiple times and tie the ends in a tight double knot.

Step Six: Using large scissors, cut through the loop of floss opposite the wrapped end. Trim any uneven ends and trim the ends of the floss used to wrap the top loop.

Step Seven: Take a 4.5-inch piece of floss and run it through the top loop of the tassel. Knot the ends.

Step Eight: Take the tassel and stitched felt piece and attach them to the handle of your scissors using a lark's head knot. 

Now your scissors will be easier to find when they slide away from you. Hope you enjoy!

Have a happy Tuesday!

Hi, I'm Kristen! I am a lover of all things stitchy and crafty. I have been sewing for as long as I can remember. My grandmother taught me how to sew Barbie clothes when I was young and I have been sewing ever since.

You can find me at Bobbypin Bandit, on Instagram, and my Etsy shop.