I'd like to introduce you to Alicia, the lovely blogger behind the beautiful DMC España blog. I've been following this gorgeous blog for some time now, and I was very excited and honored to meet the blogger behind it.
This is Feeling Stitchy's first English-Spanish interview- Spanish was actually my (floresita's) first language, so I've done my best to translate Alicia's answers, but if you native Spanish speakers detect any egregious errors, by all means tell me. :) Without further ado, let's meet Alicia:

Photo by by Dong-yeon Yu
You have such an eye for color and texture - reading through your posts is so inspiring - how do you find the blogs, artists, and photos you feature?
Every day I spend time on Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/dmcspain/), and I follow various blogs (http://www.planetaki.com/dmcspain - my blog reader is public, if anyone would like to take a look.) I enjoy doing it and it puts me in a good mood. When I find a blog I like I visit their favorite links and I jump around from blog to blog, finding new things. I also like Flickr because there are so many great images and many artists have their portfolios there.
Cada día paso un rato navegando en Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/dmcspain/), y sigo varios blogs (http://www.planetaki.com/dmcspain, mi lector de blog es público por si a alguien le interesa). Es algo que me gusta hacer y me pone de buen humor. Cuando un blog me gusta sigo sus enlaces favoritos y así voy saltando de uno al otro encontrando cosas nuevas. También me gusta Flickr porque hay muy buenas imágenes y muchos artistas tienen allí su portfolio.

Do you consider yourself primarily an embroiderer, knitter, or crafter? Or artist?
My favorite craft is crochet, it was the first I learned and the one I feel most comfortable with. However, I also know how to embroider, knit, cross-stitch, do macrame, tapestry, and loom knit. But lately I spend so much time inspiring others to pick up a needle or crochet hook that I've actually put aside my own crafting. But it's a question of timing - during vacations I have more time, I'm more relaxed, and I always take a crochet hook with me.
Mi técnica favorita es el ganchillo, es la primera que aprendí y me siento más cómoda. Aunque sé bordar, tricotar, hacer punto de cruz, macramé, tapicéria y tejer en telar. Actualmente paso tanto tiempo animando a los demás a que prueben de cojer una aguja o un ganchillo que he dejado mis labores de lado. Pero es cuestión de épocas, en las vacaciones es cuando tengo más tiempo y estoy más relajada y siempre me llevo un ganchillo.
Do you have an artistic training or background?
I studied digital design and animation, it was all done on computer but we also studied aesthetics, color theory, typography, art history, and history of design. When I finished my studies I didn't want to spend my time designing on a computer so I started crocheting and printmaking. Sort of as a return to simpler things. Ever since I was a child I've been interested in art, design, and handcrafts.
Estudié diseño digital y animación, era todo por ordenador pero si estudiamos estética, teoría del color, tipografía, historia del arte, historia del diseño. Cuando terminé mis estudios no quería trabajar diseñando por ordenador y me puse a hacer ganchillo y serigrafiar. Como una vuelta a las cosas sencillas. Siempre desde pequeña me ha interesado el arte, el diseño y las artes manuales.

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I am from and live in Barcelona.
Soy y vivo en Barcelona.
What is your first crafting memory?
When I was little I spent summers in a house in the country without television or telephones so I spent all my time drawing, painting, making ceramics, and a thousand other activities that my mother prepared so that I would always stay busy.
Cuando era pequeña me pasaba los veranos en una casa en el campo sin televisión ni teléfono así que me pasaba el verano dibujando, pintando hojas, modelando cerámica y mil actividades más que mi madre organizaba para que siempre estuviera ocupada.
Do you sketch or paint?
I haven't sketched in many years, I should take it up again, but I have no idea where to start.
Hace muchos años que dejé de dibujar, debería retomarlo pero no sé por donde empezar.

Please name your 5 favorite DMC colors:
DMC Light effects E940 - it glows in the dark, E966 pearlescent, DMC Natura in Aquamarine and Passion, DMC 3851 because I love that range of colors, DMC mat yarn 2351 and DMC tapestry wool 7911.
Mouliné Efectos Luminosos E940 que brilla en la oscuridad, el E966 efecto perla, el hilo Natura en Aguamarina y Passion, el Mouliné Spécial 3851 porque me encanta esa gama de colores, el algodón mate Retors Mat 2351 y la lana Colbert del color 7911.
What do you LOVE most about the online crafting community?
I love how people share their projects and use tutorials to teach others. Sharing knowledge is very important.
Me gusta que la gente comparta sus proyectos y enseñe a los demás a hacerlos con tutoriales. Compartir conocimiento es muy importante.

5 movies you LOVE?
Irma la Douce, What a Way to Go!, Some Like it Hot, The Royal Tenembaums, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Name 1 person you would LOVE to meet: (past, present, real or fiction)
Thérèse de Dillmont, who wrote the Encyclopedia of Needlework, and lived in the 1800's. She dedicated her life to learning, perfecting, and teaching all types of handcraft and she traveled throughout the world, compiling techniques. You can find out more about her here: http://elblogdedmc.blogspot.com/2011/01/los-origenes-de-dmc-un-poco-de-historia.html
Thérèse de Dillmont, autora de la Enciclopedia de Labores de Señora, que vivió en el siglo XIX. Dedicó toda su vida a aprender, perfeccionar y enseñar todas las técnicas manuales y viajó por el mundo recopilando obras. Puedes ver más información aquí: http://elblogdedmc.blogspot.com/2011/01/los-origenes-de-dmc-un-poco-de-historia.html
Thank you so much, Alicia, for sitting down with us and giving us a glimpse of the vibrant artist behind the blog of DMC España.
If you'd like to follow Alicia, check out her posts on the DMC España blog, DMC España Facebook page and their Pinterest. Warning: you might lose an hour or two surfing though her lovely finds! :)
Happy to meet her and her blog :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Love it when you see people sitting at a table knitting,stitching or doing something with there hand. It looks the same all around the world. It is great to keep all this lovely work alive.
ReplyDeleteGreat to be introduce to a new blog, thanks Sandra
I know Alicia, I´m from Barcelona too. Is a wonderful person.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post! I have visited DMC España blog in the past and there's lots of eye candy.
ReplyDeleteps (translation was great!)
lovely interview!
ReplyDeletewe use to read Alícia's posts about lovely craft and crafters,
and this time it was nice to read something about her. she's an amazing crafter.
love her style.
and yess! a great translation!! :)
Oh wow what a great interview! I love reading interviews from fellow crafters, especially who have a career out of it and it's a lifestyle, totally inspiring! I loved reading this x